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Pink Revolution of NH’s Board of Directors is an alliance of dedicated individuals banding together to support a better treatment experience for cancer patients across four New England states. As a 100% volunteer-driven nonprofit, the Board plays a pivotal role in the organization’s day-to-day operations, pouring their hearts into making a meaningful difference.

Lauren Caulfield
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Lauren Caulfield


"My personal journey through 1.5 years of chemo was an eye-opening and transformative experience that led me to a profound realization of the challenges faced by cancer patients."

Stephanie Rogers
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Stephanie Rogers


“Watching my mom fight has shown me how important strength and positivity is when facing cancer.”

Jim Caulfield
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Jim Caulfield

“Having witnessed the toll of this disease through the loss of several family members and intimately accompanying my wife on a challenging journey through chemotherapy and radiation, I understand firsthand the emotional and financial burdens faced by cancer patients.”

Ronda Chrystal
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Ronda Chrystal

Vice President

“I am committed to dedicating my time and joining the ranks of many other volunteers. Together as a team, we will collaborate to enhance the treatment experience for all cancer patients, regardless of the type of cancer they are facing.”

Lisa McBrine
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Lisa McBrine

“I believe all things happen for a reason, and I know I was meant to be with Pink Revolution and give back to others.”

Susan Mabbett
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Susan Mabbett

“I am proud to contribute to this group who works so hard to ease the burden of cancer patients.”

Kathy Hesseltine
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Kathy Hesseltine


"Together, we're not just fighting cancer - we're revolutionizing the journey."

Tom Rogers
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Tom Rogers

“Being part of the amazing team at PR has been my most rewarding experience.”

Colleen Cowette
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Colleen Cowette

“A good friend had recently been diagnosed with cancer. It was completely unexpected and really made me stop and think about what I was doing with my life. I had stepped away from volunteer activities for several years and decided it was time to get back in the game.”

PO Box 578

Brookline, NH 03033

(603) 801-5026

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Cancer brings people together!

Pink Revolution of NH operates as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

Federal Tax ID # 86-3155107

© 2024 by Pink Revolution of NH. 

Website design by Blue Heron Support

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